I had a fun weekend away with 175 woman at a retreat this past weekend! Always great to be with other woman that inspire you and make you become a better you. Nothing like great conversation, good laughter, loads of chocolate and tons of girl time. Doing life together with friends is the best therapy!
They asked me to teach a "crafty" class during our Saturday free time and I had loads of fun putting together these tassels for my class to make. The ceramic birds were very cute alone but when I discovered I could add fabric to them and end up with this whimsical tassel, it made me thrilled. What girl doesn't like a tassel hanging somewhere in their home?
We used lots of fabrics, burlap, ribbon, string & beads and I'm happy with how fun loving and imperfect they are. You just can't mess something like this up. I suggested they hang them on a lamp, doorknob, towel rack, armoire or on the handle of any urn. It's all about these small little details!
They were very easy to make and fun was had by all! We had a couple of tiny glue gun burns but that's normal for any project like this right?
Didn't they do a good job?
I thought the eyelash trim really made it cute (looks like a nest) and covered up all the glue gun flaws.
Thanks to my wonderful husband who drilled holes in every one of the birds so I could add the loop at the top. He went through 2 ceramic drill bits and didn't complain at all! Love his dedication to my crazy insane projects!
Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Mathew 6:26

Visit my website DecRenew Interiors to see lots of before and after photos of my design projects.