I was out doing my Saturday errands today and drove past an antique mall that was having a sidewalk sale.
Of course my car automatically turns when anything of that sort is advertised. I think my GPS's voice actually said "TURN HERE, TURN HERE, MAKE A U-TURN...NOW!!!!" Of course I listened to that voice and pulled over.
I absolutely couldn't believe it when I saw this door. I just blogged yesterday how I was going to be looking for a one since I let go of one that I regreted selling. I could feel that overwhelming panic as I walked up to it. Of course I was thinking "is it sold?" It had a tag on it that said $30. Was I reading it right? I found the owner and asked them to load it up! It was a done deal. I know I can do some great things with it. I think the wrought iron inset will make it gorgeous. The stained glass behind it is a gold color so that will be perfect with my logo.
My "treasure angel" was with me today. I truly believe I have one.